7 Things to be Thankful for during the 2020 Thanksgiving Season

7 Things to be Thankful for during the 2020 Thanksgiving Season

pecan, apple and pumpkin pies with thanksgiving theme

  1. Good Health: Enough Said!
  2. Technology: Try to imagine how unbearable this pandemic would be without internet, Zoom, Facetime, Facebook, Netflix and more. Take a moment to be thankful for all this technology that has kept us in touch with loved ones; allowed us to work from home and kept the kids both entertained and educated – sort of.
  3. Family and Friends: Whether close or miles away, be grateful for all the love, support, kindness and fun they offer, and even more thankful for the love you can offer them. Take a moment to reach out if only to say “I love you!”
  4. Laughter:  Finding humor in a challenging situation is not only a stress reliever, it’s  a mood lifter.  The Internet is full of hilarious memes that provide commentary on current events, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on.  If you find those to be too polarizing, make comedies your top genre on Netflix.   
  5. Pets because they love unconditionally – a good lesson for us all!
  6. Enjoying the small and free pleasures of life: Be thankful for those little things that warm your heart – a child’s smile or laugh; the beautiful fragrance of a flower; that song that takes you back; a simple thank you. During the pandemic, many have rediscovered the joy of cooking at home.  Fresh, simple, delicious food.  Nothing could be better!
  7. Finally, if you have a roof over your head and a place to call home, feel thankful. People throughout the world do not have a permanent place to call home, so let the feeling of gratitude seep into your heart.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to focus on everything we have in life for which to be grateful. Take a moment and see how many things you can add to this list.

Happy Thanksgiving!